Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The Unique Blogger Award

The lovely Female Original nominated for the Unique Blogger Award. Big thank you to her for the nomination!
“The Unique Blogger Award is all about getting to know your fellow bloggers and celebrating everyone’s uniqueness!” Below are the rules for each nominee:

1. Thank your nominator.

2. Answer the questions that your nominator left for you.

3. Nominate 5-10 people (and let them know).

4. Set questions for your nominees to answer.

Here are my answers to Female Original left me:

  1. How long have you been blogging for?
I’ve been blogging for a while! I think around 5 years but I been on and off. Hoping to go on right now and never stop!
  1. What is you favourite album of all time and why?
Wow this is so difficult. I really love Lorde latest album “Melodrama”. Why? Because I love the sound of it. It has like a new sound that I have never heard, it’s a really unique album. I love the lyrics, it talks about heartbreak from a writer's perspective which is beautiful but then it talks about partying and enjoying life, you go through a fix of emotions all in one album.
  1. What is your most prized possession?
I think my journal. I love to have a nice idea of where I was a few years ago and how I felt. I try to write as much as I can.
  1. Who is you favourite fictional character and why?
Holden Caulfield! No doubt here. I love The Catcher in the Rye everyone who knows me, knows that.  I love Holden because of the way he sees the world, and how he wants to save children from growing up and keep the pureness, which I find truly beautiful. Also, love his attitude towards growns up and how he just wants to live his life.
  1. Where in the world are you most interested in visiting and why?
Denmark or Armenia. I have family from both countries and I’ve always been intrigue as to what is like there, how does it feel to live there and to go back to my roots.

My nominees are:

And my questions for you are:

  1. What blogs do you turn for inspiration?
  2. What's the best part about blogging?
  3. Which one is the hardest part about blogging?
  4. What is one of your most important and precious memories?
  5. If you were to move to a different country, where would you move?



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