Thursday, March 5, 2015

Moving to Buenos Aires

I officially moved to Buenos Aires this week, and being honest I thought it was going to be easier.  From the moment I hugged my siblings’ goodbye, Tuesday morning before they go to school I was heartbroken. It was difficult letting go of my siblings, who I have lived for 14 and 10 years knowing that I won’t see them until the end of the month. Then I said goodbye to my best friends, who I couldn’t be happier they were also doing what they love and achieving so much. We have been in each other life for three and half years and we saw each other go through so much, grow up and we will eventually watch all of us become professionals, each doing what they love. Then, I hugged my mom goodbye. As I was walking through security at the airport and waving goodbye to my mother I remember the kind stranger telling me “it’s going to be ok, don’t cry young girl.” But the words I’m hanging on the most are my mother saying “You are doing what you love.” And that’s what it keeps me going and not turning back. That I’m following what I want.

Yesterday, I went downtown on my own for the first time. It was scary. But I kept going because I know that if I ever wanted to achieve one of my biggest dreams of moving to New York, it meant that this was nothing. I knew that if I really wanted to work as a journalist one day, I had to move to Buenos Aires and study.

Lastly, something really metaphoric to me was that the first thing I saw when I got to Buenos Aires was a whole bunch of rye. I’ve mention before that my favorite book is The Catcher in the Rye that talks about growing up. So it seem to me funny, that I saw rye in the place where I was going to grow up and become an adult.

My last advice is, we spent our whole life wanting to grow or to move away from our parents, but do appreciate your time with them. Tell them you love them, hug them daily, spend time with them and never ever take them for granted.

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