Tuesday, December 29, 2015

10 things that made me happy in 2015

2015 was a strange year. I would defiantly call it a roller coaster kind of year. A lot of things change, I did mostly. Even though the last two months were the hardest, the rest of the year was really something and to look on the bright side here are 10 things that made me happy this year.

1.       Moving back to Buenos Aires. It was defiantly scary step in my life, and I’m still pretty shake by this big step. It was really something I needed to do and I’m glad I did.

2.       Starting university. Another scary step that happened this year. It was hard to be honest, a lot of time studying and I did fall a lot, but I was able to get up and move forward.

3.       New friends. I met so many people this year and everyone was so amazing. I’m so happy I met all the people I did this year. All of them have teach me something and some have become a big part in my life.

4.       Punta Del Este. I travel to Punta Del Este last September and I fell in love with that place. Since I love traveling to new places, I had a great time. I really can’t wait to go back.

5.       We color. Last month, my friends and I went to the We Color, which in case you don’t know what it is, it is a festival where people throw color dusts at each other and the music was also pretty amazing. My friends and I spent the whole day running, and dancing around cover in colorful dust.

6.       Tattoo. This year I finally got my first tattoo. It was something I’ve been wanting since I was probably thirteen and I finally did it. Not only was a great experience but it is something meaningful to me that I will carry around forever.

7.       Going out. I started going out this year to parties, clubs, and bars with my friends. I used to hate to go out but now I can honestly say I love it. I love meeting new people and having crazy adventures with my friends. (Picture was taken at 6 am in Buenos Aires while we were walking back to a van to take us home, I was with a friend and someone I had no idea who he was).

8.       Ed Sheeran concert. Ever since I found his music I was dying to go to one of his concert and earlier this year I did. It was really one of the best concert I’ve ever been, he is someone who puts so much passion to his music and his talent is extraordinary.

9.       Hair. This year I cut my hair really short, shorter than ever. I’ve been wanting to do this for so long and never had the guts to do it, and I finally did this year and I loved it so much. I’m glad I finally to the chance.

10.   Elections. I’ve mention this before, but nothing makes me happier than knowing my country is finally going through a big change.
What made you happy this year?


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