Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Catcher

Hello guys! Like I promise I’m posting again this week! But this one is a little personal. Like I mentioned before I’m not a big fan of sharing my poetry with people but I got a little inspired a decided to give it another try with this one.
I want to share the story behind this one because it is more personal that last one and I feel like a lot of people would identify and understand. This poem was inspired by many ideas I had in my head that day:

First, I am reading The Catcher In The Rye by J.D. Salinger and if you interpret like I do it talks a lot about growing up and the transition from being a teenager to and adult, and this is what this poem is about, growing up and being a grown up.
Second, the song called Ribs by Lorde had been stuck in my head the past few months, and how she repeats, it drives you crazy getting old and I wanted to express that, I wanted to express how I felt about growing up and all the changes we go through.
The next reason is way more personal. I’ve going crazy with school things and being just busy. If I’m not doing a project, I’m learning how to drive, or figuring out college or how to live on my own. I realized how little time I had for the thing I loved when I was younger. It is like adults change so much because we don’t have enough time anymore. I remember a few weeks my friend said: I don’t go on Tumblr anymore or read anything about my favorite band. It suddenly hit me why, we are so busy with growing up and grown-ups things we forget what we did when we were younger and had more time.

Hope you like it and I can’t wait to share more poems of mine with you J
Lots of love,

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Very Inspiring Blog Award!

Helloooo guys! Again, lack of posting but you know why school and bla bla bla.
Anyways! The lovely TheCoronette nominated me for the very inspiring blog award, so thank you so much!!
Award Rules:
1) Thank and link the awesome person who nominated you
2) List the rules and display the award
3) Share 7 things/facts about yourself
4) Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their blogs to let them know you have nominated them and provide a link to your post
5) Optional. Proudly display the award logo anywhere on your blog e.g. side bar and follow the person who nominated you. 

7 things/Facts about myself:
1.    I’m allergic to ants
2.  I love winter and autumn
3.  I’m obsessed with The Catcher in The Rye
4.  My favorite city is LA
5.  My phone is name Kyle
6.  One of my favorites book is actually in Spanish, 100 aƱos de soledad (100 years of solitude)
7.  I will die to write the way Lorde writes her songs

3.    Officially Ely
9.   Flora E. May 
10.  Kate Takes on… 
11.   Emily Kate 
14.        Talita, Says 
This week I will be updating again since I finally have some free time (Easter Break!) and have only a project to work on!