Hello lovely people! Once again school is kicking my
butt. But I decided to put this in good use and help anyone struggling with
school this year or next year. Maybe, you also have the IB in your school so
you have to work extra hard to catch up and do work. So here are some basic
tips to survive a hard year in high school:
1. Don’t leave anything to last minute
You probably hear
this all the time. Do your assignments the day they are given to you, but you
must have a lot from different subjects. I learned this the hard way, in 10th
grade I left everything for last
minute, so I had math homework, Spanish essays and more due the following day
and I had nothing done. Most essay they give you two week anticipation, so try
doing it that day or that weekend. I did this in 11th grade and
trying to doing now, it feels way better than leaving last minute.
2. Use an agenda
A big advice I got
from older people when I started high school was to use an agenda, some school
provide you with one, if not buy one and use it! They are really helpful to
remember different homework and assignments.
3. Talk to your teachers
Teachers are really
willing to help. I discover that they love it when you ask question, or arrange
meetings after class. So go for it! Ask as many questions as you want, talk to
them as much as you can. I guarantee most of them are willing to help, and give
you a pass for late classes!
4. Work out
Al though you might
think you have no time, find a little gap in your day to work out or play a
sport, it is a nice way to release your tension and stress you might have from
all your classes and homework’s. I know that whenever I’m stress I get cramps
and by working out they go away. So try and stay active even when loaded with
5. Find time to relax
Find a time every
now and then to relax in any way. Take a hot shower or relax at night watch a movie
or TV. Trying to forget about school for an hour or so, and then you actually
have more energy to do homework.
6. Trying not to skip school
Try to go to school
every day and only skip when is extremely necessary. This is a hard one for me
but I learned about it last year. Skipping school not only gives you more
homework but you are behind the class and might be stuck in a certain topic. So
trying to go to school every day.
7. Be organize
Lastly, try to be
as organize as possible. So people might struggle with this, but try as hard as
possible. Have an organize schedule about which days you are going to do each
thing. Also, keep your working place as organize as possible, so nothing
bothers you or distract you. Keep your notebooks or binders, as well, organize,
separate each subject and have everything in chronological order.
I hope this is
helpful for many of you! Good luck to anyone in high school or any type of